Thursday, February 13, 2014

Before & After: Snowstorm output: a bench cover

I'm still happy that we have just returned to Baltimore from Sao Paulo. With the soaring temperatures behind, all the cold and snow is a very welcome blessing! Don't think I am crazy! Just imagine having to endure temperatures over 100F everyday, with very limited AC, 8 months pregnant… Not something I would wish to my worst enemy, if I had one!
Returning home with an almost 3 years old has it's disadvantages: everything is new to him, and a danger is at every corner of the house, plus he drags food all over, playing with the dog.
We did plenty of changes and renovations (again!) during this last year. Some furniture arrangements were made, and I just realized that my house is not prepared for a very energetic toddler, plus a baby.
Today was the perfect day to put in action some plans I had put in the back burner for a while: do a slipcover.
This past weekend I stopped by my favorite Goodwill to drop off some donations, and with a 20% off coupon in hand I got a few "necessary" items, such as $2.25 Threshold fretwork border window panel. Immediately I knew what I wanted to do with it: a cover for our bench being used as coffee table in our family room. The colors, tan and coral, were a perfect match for the new white walls.
In just a couple of hours, and with the help of the amazing Miss Mustard Seed video tutorials in how to make a slipcover, I just got a "protection" for sticky dirty hands and feet!

The curtain panel fabric:



Linking at Miss Mustard Seed FFF!
Target Threshold fretwork border window panel, bought at Goodwill for $2.25
Bench, from HomeGoods